After the ISOC Ireland executive meeting last night, I happened to meet up with some of the cabal. As you may know, is one of the biggest websites in Ireland, with close on 3 million page accesses/month and more members than you can shake a stick at, and is run on a completely voluntary basis.
We talked about defamation issues. Running a discussion board system like leaves you open to all sorts of interesting legal issues, because you become responsible, under Irish libel law for all the dumb things your users might say. There are a few interesting legal mechanisms for getting around this, using the veil of incorporation.
We also talked about the telecomms situation in Ireland. We all agreed that the problem is ‘the last mile’. There is little competition for eircom in bringing broadband to the home. There are a bunch of wireless ISPs, but I thought that realistically, wireless isn’t going to be scalable to meet the needs of a large city like Dublin – well, that’s my opinion anyway -.