If you think about a bank, it’s basically a system for connecting people with money. You give the bank money to look after because you trust it, and they give you money on loan if you check out.
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August 2004
Social Networks for Buyer Power
Markets are controlled by sellers. Think about it. When was the last time you went into a shop and they asked you to make an offer on something? How often do you go into a shop and ask for what you want, rather than taking what they have to sell? It doesn’t have to be that way.
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Business education with a difference
I met up with Finbarr Bradley for lunch on Thursday in Metro Cafe. Finbarr is now a professor in the Dept. of Economics in Maynooth, and has a couple of new degree courses coming on-stream.
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The future for mVNOs
Mobile Virtual Network Operators (mVNOs) are mobile phone companies which hire capacity on another mobile operator’s network and then resell it. I worked for an mVNO some years ago, and there is some coverage about it in the media at the moment. I have to say, I am a little cynical.
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