Online Debate on Toll Roads – Failing to Engage

There is a big debate in Ireland about toll roads. A lot of people are very angry about the amount they have to pay, the toll plaza queues they have to endure and the fact that a lot of the cash is going into private hands. Senator Shane Ross’s website contains links to some of the on-line debates.

However, the government and private bodies involved are completely failing to engage. They aren’t participating and they are pretending they aren’t paying any attention.
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New Map of Dublin at Talbot Bridge

A city is like a computer program – special care has to be taken to make things as easy as possible for new users. The new signage on the South Quays at Talbot Bridge in Dublin is a step towards making Dublin easy for visitors to get around.

This is a completely new type of sign for Dublin, and it has a number of good features. There are clear directions to common tourist destinations in Dublin. It isn’t festooned with advertisements. It is highly graffiti-proof. Best of all, it isn’t supposed to look twee and olde-worlde.
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Provisional Sinn Fein condemns the arms trade

My local Provisional Sinn Fein MEP, Mary-Lou McDonald has called for tighter restrictions on the sale of arms:

‘The EU Code of Conduct must be strengthened immediately, to prevent further abuses of human rights, especially in countries with questionable human rights records. Recent reports have shown that loopholes in the Code of Conduct have allowed weapons to be supplied to regimes such as China, Burma and Malaysia in this last year.’
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