Michael Lynn, who brought a big flaw in Cisco’s software and bug-fixing procedures to light just got whacked by cisco’s PR machine. Lots of people in the blogosphere (for example, Mark Hedlund, Bernie), and on-line are saying that he’s a good guy, but that doesn’t matter a damn, when Business Week, one of the most widely read magazines in America leaves the impression that this guy was just a loose cannon.
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July 2005
Redesign of antoin@eire.com
Finally, I’ve had to do it. Because of all the comment spam, I’ve now moved to new weblog software. I’m using WordPress, because it seems to be the easiest thing to set up and there are some great templates available for it.
Ireland close to the top in Europe
According to the International Herald Tribune (and the New York Times too, according to Bernie who refers to Tim O’Reilly’s short comment) Ireland is the second-richest country in Europe. That’s great, but there are some provisos to the story.
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