An Post, the Irish postal service has made its address database available to the public without charge for the first time. This means it is possible to verify a postal address without needing to contact the destination sorting office. It is the first time a postal directory has been available in Ireland for at least 15 years.
March 2006
Free FON router for prominent locations
Martin wants to get 100 routers in busy locations where people congregate. If you have a cafe or a shop (especially in Ireland) follow up on this offer or get in touch!
Time to halt the WiFi rip-off – Sunday Times – Times Online
The Sunday Times – Times Online has an article by an angry journalist, Barry Collins about the ridiculous price of broadband. He should try FON.
Congratulations to Irish Blog Awards winners
Congratulations to all the winners of Irish blog awardsIrish Blog Awards. Special congratulations to the people who won the FON hotspot-in-a-box prize. If you didn’t win one, you can still get yours at the FON website.
Blogging from Madrid …
Here I am posting on a weblog from a bus stop opposite the Retiro Park, courtesy of the FON hotspot in the building near me!
One day soon, all streetcorners will be connected up like this.
FON sponsors Irish Blog Awards
FON is sponsoring the Irish Blog Awards by providing some FON routers as spot prizes. Hope to see some of you there, don’t be a stranger.
FON at National Telecoms Forum
I’m speaking on behalf of FON at the National Telecoms Forum on Wednesday March 8th in the Burlington Hotel. The event is run by First Tuesday Ireland. I will be honoured to be speaking alongside such industry stalwarts as Charlie Ardagh of Magnet and David McRedmond of Eircom. We’re going to be talking about consolidation, convergence and getting broadband penetration levels up. It will be an interesting discussion, well worth the admission fee (and they even throw in lunch). If any of my loyal and patient readers are there, be sure to come up and say hello.
telephone voice-response systems vs Humans on
There is a thread on Edward Tufte’s website about the use of IVR systems. I take an atypical view on this – I think that consumers have a completely unrealistic expectation of telephone customer service. It’s just too expensive to provide. Progressive companies need to come up with other support channels, or better still they need to come up with products and services that don’t need as much handholding.