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Noirín’s Big Apple iBook by

Noirin's laptopBecause she was feeling a little bit of Powerbook envy, Noirín decided to upgrade her ibook into a Big Apple with a unique laptop skin. She thinks the result is fantastic.’s designer cropped the photo Noirín took on her digital camera a little and added some film strip edges to give the photo a little drama, then produced this beautiful laptop skin. When the laptop is switched on, the apple logo glows through. Here’s some more photos that Colm took. The picture doesn’t reall capture the quality of the printing though. The resolution is really high.

So obviously, the plug: order an laptop skin in the next few weeks to take advantage of the special price of 18 euros including postage and packing to anywhere in the world.

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  • Martin Varsavsky | English January 11, 2006

    How is FON organized and managed?

    FON is being organized as follows. The central headquarters are located in Alcobendas. Alcobendas a town close to Madrid that is developing so quickly that there´s no building within a km of ours that is older than 10 years. Fon…