It is a truth universally acknowledged that Microsoft Word is a software program with serious issues. But is the issue really with the program, or is the issue with the whole idea of a print-oriented word processor? Continue reading
There are 2 posts filed in media ().
Patronage not profit. The future of Irish news media
As a nation, we are mad for opening up media outlets. We have over 20 daily or weekly newspapers of national scope (see lists for Ireland and Northern Ireland) and countless local and specialist publications. The Internet is a facilitator for new publications and there are plenty there too. This continued expansion seems like the future.
Some optimists in the industry believe new revenue streams will open up as web users get used to paying for their content. (see this report about the Irish Times’ plans and this one in relation to the Independent.)
I think that on the whole, the opposite will happen to Irish media on both scores. Continue reading