Scoble on Laptop Skins

Robert Scoble has linked to the website. I’m really flattered! Anyway, if you’ve come from Robert’s link (or even if you haven’t, leave a comment with your email and I’ll be in touch when we launch fully with a really really good deal for you on a laptop skin. (And if you were at Les Blogs, please let me know and I will send you your free laptop skin.)


Mark on laptop skins

Mark has posted a picture of the sample laptop skin I sent him about a month ago in a follow-up to my offer to Les Blogs participants. We’ve changed a few things since that one; print quality is now sharper, and we have a matt laminate available as well as the gloss. Also, we’ve found it may work better not to shape the skin around the whole face of the laptop (although you can still do that if you wish).


A free custom laptop skin for people attending Les Blogs

laptop skin!!! aspoke.comIs your individuality being stifled? Bored with that grey-looking laptop you bought? Want something different? Attending Les Blogs? Well, this is your lucky day. Basically, if you’d like a free laptop skin, in one of aspoke’s designs, or in a design of your own, just leave a comment below, send me an email ( or better still hand me a business card with the word ‘free’ written on it.

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in Uncategorized | 97 Words

Emotional Bandwidth

There’s a talk here at Les Blogs about socializing in the year 2055. One of the terms used was ’emotional bandwidth’. You just cannot fit as much into an email or a video as you can into a real live meeting.


Videoblogs at Les Blogs

I have to say, video blogs is something that never appealed to me. Seems like a lot of hassle and not worth the trouble. After hearing the panel of experts here, it sounds like I was right about it being a lot of hassle – there are a lot of format issues to contend with, but the situation is beginning to be straightening out. However, I am impressed with the idea. I think it’s an exciting thing to do and I have promised myself to try it sometime.

It’s good to come to a conference and be inspired to do something new!


Where can I read the laws of blogging?

Martin Varsavsky was criticized at Les Blogs yesterday for deleting a weblog post. Apparently you are not supposed to do this. I have to say I didn’t know that it was forbidden to delete posts (I knew it wasn’t a very good idea, but I didn’t think it was forbidden. Anina who is also at the conference agrees.

Tags: and democracy in Paris

The guy who writes this weblog about the local government in his area of Paris has been harassed by the police and had court action taken against him in order to try to get him to stop writing about what was going on. He collected EUR 3000 from readers by Paypal to cover his legal costs But still he goes on.


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