The war on Iraq is turning into a pornography contest. Who can come up witth the most depraved pictures, and who can spin them to the greatest effect.
Vodafone and Porn – It’ll end in Tears
?ccording to yesterday’s International Herald Tribune Vodafone, Orange and O2 are trying to figure out how to make money from porn without looking irresponsible.
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Old Palm 3 is better than the Palm Vx
I lost my Palm Vx organizer a few weeks ago. So I’ve gone back to my old Palm III, which I found in a drawer the other day. The strange thing is that it seems to have a much better experience than the Vx, even though it is a much older model.
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Multimedia on Linux
Linux and FreeBSD are becoming pretty viable platforms for developing multimedia applications. I’ve spent the last few days testing some of the software out.
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Doc Searls, Braun and me
I was lucky enough to meet Doc Searls and Braun Brelin from OpenApp on Thursday after ICTExpo
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Government folds on e-voting
The government has decided not to go ahead with using the electronic voting system this time around. The text of the CEV’s interim report is now available.
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Fixing the voting machines
The Irish electronic voting fiasco is well known to my loyal readers. However, I now have a solution to the government’s woes. A simple way of adding a voter-verifiable paper trail to the system that has been purchased, at a relatively low cost.
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what you need to know about starting a tech business
Over the last few weeks, Eoin O Ceallachain, Finbar Bradley and myself have been working with Declan Delaney on a business module for software engineering graduate students at NUI Maynooth.
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Is more really more?
The Great Dave suggests that the New York Times should make all its source material available, even the stuff that doesn’t make it to the newspaper.
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coping with ipodicide – product development, microsoft style
Picture the scene. You’re wearing your fashionable sweater and expensive leather jacket one evening, and you’re walking along a side-street in Seattle. All of a sudden, a dorky-looking middle-aged guy wearing docker trousers, a green jumper and metal-framed aviator glasses steps out and challenges you.
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